According to Coremetrics, a division of IBM, online sales yesterday were up 19.4 percent, compared to Cyber Monday 2009. The average consumer's online order value was $194.89, representing an 8.3 percent gain over the average order value of $180.03 in 2009. Coremetrics also found that luxury goods sales were up 24.3 percent, compared to Cyber Monday 2009.
Coremetrics also reported that total sales on Cyber Monday were 31.1 percent higher than Black Friday's online sales. However, the research firm stopped short of saying exactly how much revenue online retailers generated on Cyber Monday.
Black Friday's promising numbers for the online community were again strengthened by Cyber Monday's 19.4% increase over last year. People are shopping online more often, but they are also spending more than they did previously. I was most surprised by the fact that luxury items have increased 24.3% over last year, despite the world economic situation.
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