
SEO San Diego

What's Full Monty doing in the San Diego SEO field? As the market pics up, Google Trends has

confirmed that people are searching for SEO again. Obviously this pertains to terms like SEO San

Diego, SEM San Diego and Internet Marketing San Diego as well, which means its time to get out

there and strut our stuff. As you can imagine based on my last post, I will be joining the Better

Business Bureau (BBB) very soon. I look forward to the next Better Business Bureau (BBB) mixer,

this time around I intend to be a lot less passive about our particular brand of SEO.

Right now our clients are expanding thier market shares by leaps and bounds based on traffic

patterns. In fact some of our clients saw traffic increases of over 200% last month. Not small

potatoes, and it begins to instill a feeling of hope about the country's economy. As you might

imagine, October's market crash put a real halt on the San Diego market's extraneous spending

and certain luxuries were cut out. Based on traffic patterns of some of my seasonal San Diego

businesses being literally 50% over their projected numbers for all of last year, I would say the

market is rebounding.

Past plans to expand, I haven't seen any real important changes in Google's ranking

mechanisms, though I have seen my blog let me out rank my competitors by eliminating my

meta description tag. I also noted that my pages without meta keyword or phrase tags are out

ranking those with. I have since switched.

Want SEO in San Diego with proven results? Full Monty Marketing Inc.